Adolf Hitler Biography

Adolf Hitler
No single individual influenced the course of history in the 20th century so profoundly as Hitler, though it was an adverse influence. Adolf Hitler or Der Fuhrer (German : ‘The leader’) assumed the twin titles of Fuhrer and Chancellor on August 2, 1934. Germany which emerged from the World War-I as a weak, defeated and humiliated country, however, within years of Hitler’s coming to power, became the strongest nation of Europe. By his blind policies of conquest, Hitler pushed the world into World War-II, in which five million people lost their lives.
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 at Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary. He spent most of his childhood in the neighbourhood of Linz, the capital of Upper Austria. He received a secondary education. Although he had a poor record at school and failed to secure the usual certificate, did not leave studies until he was 16 (1905). His ambition was to become an artist, but he failed twice to secure entry to the Academy of Fine Arts. He earned his living by painting postcards and advertisements and drifting from one municipal lodging house to another.
In 1914, Hitler joined the army and fought bravely during the war. He was wounded in 1916 during World War-I. For his bravery, he was rewarded with iron cross in 1918. Hitler greeted the war with enthusiasm, and as a great relief from the frustration of civilian life.
Adolf Hitler
Hitler began his political career as an army political agent in the German Worker’s Party in 1919. He changed the party into Nationalist Socialist German Worker’s Party, in short Nazi Party. He became head of its propaganda arm in 1920. Hitler was soon made president of the party. Then he began his creation of a mass movement and his climb to power. His private army was called the Storm Troopers.
According to Hitler, the greatest enemy of Nazism was not liberal democracy but Marxism. Behind Marxism he saw the greatest enemy of all, the Jews, who were for Hitler the very incarnation of evil. In 1923, Hitler was arrested and jailed. In the jail, he wrote his famous autobiography named Main Kamph (My Struggle). After his release, he re-organised the Nazi party. Throughout the 1920s, Hitler continued to gain strength. He unsuccessfully opposed Paul Von Hindenburg in the presidential election of 1932. Through a conspiracy, Hitler got himself appointed as Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. The offices of Chancellor and President were merged in 1934. Hitler soon became a dictator.
Adolf Hitler
In 1936, Hitler recaptured Rhineland from France. In March 1938, German forces occupied Vienna in a dramatic manner and Austria was forcibly united with Germany. In March 1939, German forces captured Czechoslovakia and on September 1, 1939, German forces attacked Poland and World War-II started.
Hitler turned his attention to foreign policy and World War-II (1939-45). His ‘new order’ for Europe called for indiscriminate extermination (destroy utterly) of many people. He wanted to remove what he called all ‘non-Aryan’ people from his new German state, to ensure racial purity. He aimed to exterminate all gypsies and Jews. The Jews of Europe were the most numerous among victims of this barbarism. In this Holocaust, 5.7 million Jewish men, women and children died. In the beginning, Hitler tasted success. But when he attacked Soviet Russia in 1941, he met with very strong resistance. Russian forces drove back German armies to Berlin.
Adolf Hitler
Thereafter, Hitler was increasingly ill and fatigued. But he did not lose control over the Nazi Party. In 1944, he moved his headquarters to the West, to direct an offensive in the Ardennes, for which the last reserves of manpower were mobilized. When it failed, his hopes for victory became even more visionary. Then Hitler ordered mass material destruction and condemned his armies to death by refusing to allow them to surrender. In 1945, Hitler retreated to the Chancellory in Berlin and in the face of impending defeat, committed suicide.
Hitler, the dictator was responsible for unprecedented bloodshed in the history of warfare, but otherwise he was a man of simple habits. He was a pure vegetarian, did not smoke, loved children and was fond of animals.

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