Charles Dickens Biography

Charles Dickens
The English author Charles John Huffam Dickens is the most widely read Victorian novelist. He is most appreciated for his ‘dark’ novels than for his humorous works. His works have enriched the English language and also the world of literature. His novels have a variety of wonderful characters. Mr. Bumble and Wackford Squeers are two such characters.
Charles Dickens was born on February 7, 1812 at Portsea on the southern coast of England. He belonged to a lower-middle-class family. He depicted his family in his novel David Copperfield. His father was a clerk in the Navy Pay office.
Charles Dickens
When Charles was 12, he was sent to work in a warehouse that handled ‘blacking’ or shoe polish. There he mingled with working class people. For many months, he had to live apart from his family when they moved in with his father. His father had been imprisoned in the Marshalsea debtors’ prison. This insecurity of Dickens’ permanently shaped his view of life and his writing.
After a few months, his father relieved from debt and he (Charles) returned to school. When he was 15, he was forced to become an office boy. In the following year, he started working as a freelance reporter cum stenographer at the law courts of London. By 1832, he got the job of a reporter for two London based newspapers. In 1833, Charles began to contribute a series of impressions and sketches to other newspapers and magazines, signing some of them ‘Boz’. These events established his reputation and his first book ‘Sketches of Boz’ was published in 1836. He got married with Catherine Hogarth in the same year.
Dickens’ career as a fiction writer began in 1833 with short stories and essays. In 1837, his comic novel The Pickwick Papers made him the most popular author of his time in England. The Pickwick Papers is considered one of the funniest novels in English literature. Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby and subsequent novels in the 1840s, shows his concern with vulgarity and evil. His purest form of semi-autobiography ‘David Copperfield’ was published in 1850. Except Shakespeare there is no other English writer who has created so many memorable characters as Dickens.
Charles Dickens is considered the greatest English novelist of the Victorian era. His novels portray the life of the different classes of society in the mid-Victorian era, particularly the life of the poor and the underprivileged. His childhood was full of hardships and that is why he could so realistically portray the miseries and travails (unpleasant experiences) of the poor and working class.
Charles Dickens
Dickens died on June 9, 1870 at Higham in England.

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